Kirk Franklin has a song out call “Wanna Be Happy” which is a huge hit! Everytime I hear the song, I just want to sing along because it just makes me, well…HAPPY!!! But it didn’t just make me happy, it made me think and ask the question.
Am I really happy? Well, I can honestly say “overall” I am. However, I can always use some more “Happy” in my life.
What about you? Are you happy? If you are, good for you! Keep the Happy flowing everyday, all day. But if you need some more “Happy” in your life consider adding 3 these things to your life.
1. Gratitude
Showing gratitude for what you already have is huge. It is actually transformative because it will shift your perspective in a way that will cause you to see things in a brand new way. Even if you may feel that you have nothing to be grateful for, there is always something that you can say “thank you” for inspite of how things maybe in the present moment. As a matter-of-fact, being grateful can actually change your present moment to experiencing a better moment, right now. Believe me, whatever, you are facing could be a whole lot worst.
I learned when my “happy” was low to appreciate the little things in life like being able to see, speak, walk, hear, and think. Also, reminding myself of how good it is to be loved by someone whether they are you spouse, significant other, family, or friends makes the “happy meter” go up. In addition to that, just being able to be grateful for having a job to take care of yourself or a business that is growing no matter how little or much is something to be grateful for. I soon discovered that thinking about and celebrating what I do have instead of what I don’t allows me to create space for more to come into my life which causes me to live and experience abundance. The reality is that the God of the Universe offered to give us all life and that more abundantly and that is my goal to live life more abundantly then ever before. Gratefulness is one path that will lead you to it. Try it, I dare you!
2. Helping Others
When we choice to help others, it takes the focus off of self and causes us to invest in someone else to make their world better. I know that I have the gift of encouragement and exhortation and so when I encourage someone else when they are going through a tough time, it also lifts me. We were designed to serve one another. So, don’t be afraid to share your gift, your heart, your words, or a helping hand with someone else. Guess what? This just maybe the key to your own happiness.
3. Do Something Fun
I have found that when life has become too serious, it is time for some fun! Believe me, all work and no play makes anybody boring and unhappy. We are not just put on the planet to make a living, but to enjoy an abundant life and having fun helps us to do that. Sometimes, just tapping into the little kid in us who has been dying to come out and play is all we need. If you are forgetting the “FUN” of life, it is a sure way to lose your “Happy”. Look, Jesus said “I came to give you life and that more abundantly” which lets me know that when you embrace abundance, happiness is one of the benefits.
So, ask yourself, how’s your HAPPY today? What’s fun for you? What makes you smile? What makes you laugh? What good memories are you making today that will keep you in your pursuit of happiness?
Remember, a merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones. Proverbs 17:22 (KJV).
If you need help in taking back control of your life so you can get your happy back. Join my mailing list and get your FREE GIFT called 6 Tips to Uniquely Design Your Life that will empower you to do just that!