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Earlier this year, I had established what I called a “POWER DOWN SUNDAY" which included me not being on any social media, not working on anything for my business, and really not talking to anyone except spending quiet time alone with God in prayer, meditating on His Word, going to church, enjoying time with my family, journaling, and getting some much needed rest. However, something happened! I allowed myself to get caught up with the pressure and the non-stop pace to stay connected at all times and to keep up with my workload in order to not fall behind. Instead I lost my focus. I realized that I so desperately wanted to refuel my spirit with what is needful and necessary to help me to grow and stay tuned in to what matters most.

With all the busyness that surrounds my life, one thing that I need the most is to turn down the volume in my life in order to get still and to get quiet. Too often I am plugged into the world around me (talking on my cell phone, checking social media, speaking at or attending conferences and networking events, answering emails, and constantly working on new projects, programs, and services to expand my business, etc.) when what I really needed the most is a time of aloneness. For me, this is a time to seek God and get fresh direction for what is NEXT for me.

One of my favorite scripture is Isaiah 30:15 (AMP) “For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning [to Me] and resting [in Me] you shall be saved; in quietness and in [trusting] confidence shall be your strength.” Quietness and trusting confidence is a strength I can only get from “alone” time. This includes being away from people, places, and things and plugging into my Source of Strength.

When I started feeling frustrated, disappointed, and overwhelmed with things that were going on in my life and business, I continued to try and handle things in my own strength. I knew I needed to call a "TIME OUT" and allow myself to have a “Nashawn Moment” to deal with the various transitions that are taking place in my life. (Know that it is OK to give yourself permission to do that for yourself).

This “time out” is a much needed break to no longer be the answer or solutions for others, but to allow the answers I need to flood my soul and that will give me peace, clarity, and a renewed energy and mindset for what is up and coming for me...and believe me it is something BIG!!! Nevertheless, Self/Soul Care is on the top of my “to do” list as well as finding out what’s on God’s agenda for me.

So for the next 30 days, I am entering a "SOLITUDE JOURNEY" and I am so excited about it!!! That means, I am turning it all off because I am way overdue. But one thing for sure is that a brand new me is about to emerge and I will be better than ever. Don’t believe me...just watch!!!

So what about you? Are you in need for a “Time Out” in your life? If so, what are you willing to do to make YOU a priority and give yourself the much needed time to feel rejuvenated so that the best you can emerge, the best ideas can come forth, and for greater accomplishments to take place?

Take the Solitude Journey with me and disconnect from whatever and from whomever you need to. Set an intention and a timeframe for yourself regarding the amount of time you need to.

NOTE: I WILL STILL BE WORKING WITH MY CLIENTS...SO DON'T WORRY! You all are my inspiration in living out my purpose! (My blogs and upcoming radio shows will automatically post on my social media platforms for me).

I would love to hear what you are willing to do. Please share your comments below.

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