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We all admire people who are great and we wonder…how did they get like that? Well, greatness is not something we acquire; it is something that is already in us. I believe greatness is something that we are all born with. It is in our DNA and it is who we are! We we’re designed to do great things and to be great at doing it.

I can remember sitting at my desk one day at work and I felt deep down in my bones that I was wasting my greatness. I knew that I was created for more than this. The signs of my greatness were all around me and I realized that I had settled for mediocrity. When you realize where you are, it is up to you to do something about it. It was then that I had come to the conclusion that I was squandering my greatness on people, places, and things that were not giving me a (ROI) Return On my Investment that I knew I deserved. So I decided to invest 100% in me and take my life to the next level.

Learn not to waste your greatness on:

  • Things that don’t matter

  • People that don’t matter

  • Jobs that you don’t enjoy

  • Relationships that don’t add value to your life

  • Careers that don’t maximize your potential

  • Pursuits that no longer line up with your purpose

It is your responsibility to find out what is great about you. Your greatness is yours to own and to live out daily. So what are you great at? What is that distinguishable thing in you that stands out from all the rest and that makes you “Uniquely You”? What should you be doing more with what you already have? How have you played down the essence or the totality of who you are and what you we’re meant to contribute to the world to just settling? Decide to be great and show up with it on everyday. I know that it will look really good on you and it fits you perfectly!

REFLECTION: Ask yourself what are you wasting your greatness on. Pray that God will give you the boldness to honor Him with what He has put in you. Remember, the scripture states…“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe.”(Ephesians 1:18-19b)

SUCCESS ACTION: Put your greatness on display by doing one thing this week that you are really great at.

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