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WHAT IF.... by Nashawn Turner

WHAT IF... you set out to accomplish everything that you could possible do and you made it? WHAT IF... you got serious about really changing your life; what would your life look like?

WHAT IF... your stayed on track and on course not deviating by looking to the left or to the right; where would you be by now? WHAT IF... you said "YES" to your life and went after your goals and dreams like never before; what would you be celebrating right now? WHAT IF... you were the only one holding you back and the only thing you needed to do was let go; who could you have become already? WHAT stopped making excuses and letting yourself off the hook, what could you have achieved? WHAT stopped, stopping and starting and just finished; what level of success could be yours?

There are a lot of "WHAT IF'S" in our lives and if we are not careful, we can get stuck right there and never take another step to move forward. Instead of wondering about the "WHAT IF's", maybe the question should be WHAT'S NEXT! The bible said to forget those things which are behind and reach.....(Phillipians 3:13a). So, what is in your reach to go after?

EVERYTHING THAT YOU NEED IS IN FRONT OF YOU! The focus is ahead of you. So don't sweat the past, but keep calm and carry on to what is next for you.

Take a moment to dream without limits of the possibilities that are available to you and dare to go after it with a venegence! Whatever you do next, I encourage you to do it with all of your might! Don't hold back, but keep doing it until its done. Then you'll have the answers to your "WHAT IF'S."

REFLECTION: Don't live in regret, but think about what you can do differently to bring about change and DO IT!

SUCCESS POINT: Make destiny decisions with prayer. Seek wisdom from God and from those who have wise godly counsel that can help you to make decisions that will cause you to live a life of peace and contentment so that you no longer live with the question of WHAT IF's!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding, but in all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path (Proverbs 3:5-6).

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